How Often Should You Get a Massage for Maximum Benefits

In today’s society of everything fastly evolving, self-care is very important to balance work life and to keep the stress away from life. And to do that, massages can help you. Apart from providing physical benefits, massages have a great impact on providing a great approach to mental and spiritual health. 

In this blog, you will discover how can regular massage therapy contribute to a holistic approach to self-care.


1. Emotional Release and Healing

We largely discuss the health benefits provided by massages but often do not even discuss how massages can help you gain health emotionally and mentally.  Most people have their trauma and unsolved emotions stored in their areas of the body such as clenched jaws, tight shoulders, stiff back, and so on.  The gentle strokes and touch during the massage session help to provide a ground to settle down all your emotional traumas Moreover, massages provide an environment where you can safely let out the emotions that are pend up without even having to utter a single word. Most people experience a wave of sadness, joy, and even a sudden urge to cry while trying to work on their bottled-up emotional and mental dilemmas in certain parts of the body. This kind of emotional release can be a big help for people who find it extremely difficult to express it verbally. For some of them, this release can often happen subtly while for others it can be more obvious. 

At the massage center Ajman, we provide a space that could help you to drift your focus from the outside world and solely focus on your journey of mindfulness. Since our massage center is situated in the city of ajman, away from all the bustling cities, this helps you to shift all your worries and only be focused on the massage and getting your mind’s presence back fully.

2. Fostering Self-Awareness and Body Connection

The majority of individuals are constantly disconnected from themselves, either through factors such as work stress, overuse of social media and technology, traumatic experiences, and so on making it harder for them to live a good life. However, massages can help to reconstruct body awareness through regular sessions. 

Most people aren’t aware of the fact that touch has properties that could heal your mind. When disconnected from your body, the massage with its healing properties can help you with self-acceptance and body positivity for people who are suffering from body images. Since the massages are constructed with gentle strokes and movements where they touch you in a nurturing way, without any criticism, the person gets to appreciate their body. 

At Rehana Spa Ajman, we provide different variety of massage forms you can choose self-awareness, or bringing back body connection. 

massage that can help you to achieve your goal even if it is about emotional realse, 

3. Mindfulness and Presence

In this modern society, what humans focus is on how productive we are in our work, without even sparing an eye on health and well-being nowadays. Most people’s health, more evenly, mental health and emotional health are at stake, with no priority given to their health, causing diseases constantly. That is where massage can be helpful. During the massage session, all you have to focus is on yourself and your mind here the external world doesn’t have any importance. You could be able to feel all your sensations of the body with gentle and slow strokes of movement on your body.  

In addition to that, the serene surrounding of the room helps to further enjoy the current moment and focus on the sensations while rejecting the outside world during the massage to attain a sense of body awareness and mindfulness in this busy and loud world. 

4. Creating Space for Reflection and Inner Dialogue

What makes massage sessions special is that you are now away from the outside with all your pressures of work, life, and stress aside. Now all you can do is make your mind wander through the inner thoughts and relax without thinking about any further things about deadlines or anything. During this period, you can awaken your creativity and contemplate thoughts that may inspire new ideas. You could grab this opportunity to explore the opportunity to tap into your inner thoughts, feelings, and spirituality. 

At Ajman Spa, we create the perfect opportunity to make you feel relaxed and calm so that you can connect with your emotional state.


To conclude, massage is not always about physical health but also has various benefits for emotional and mental health including providing emotional release and healing, fostering self-awareness and body connection, helping with mindfulness and presence, and also creating a space for reflection and inner dialogue. 

At Rehana Spa, you could also tailor-make our massage sessions so that you can acquire the goals you want from the massage.